Learning Love Through Travel in Florence

Mar, 13, 2023
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Short, but sweet

A pidgeon’s beauty shot

Remember to experience travel

Short, but sweet

 I need to start by disclosing that our time in Firenze (Florence) was extremely short due to our train times-not to say the short lived stay in Firenze did not offer an experience-just a very limited experience. It was a pretty popular theme: rushed and fast paced, but we made the best of it with the opportunity we had. We, of course, could have removed the city from the itinerary, but we had wanted to experience numerous Italian cities in our exploration.

On a positive note, for two travelers with minimal time, Firenze was optimal. The train station is deep within the downtown, so when you emerge, you find yourself already engulfed by the city. The morning sun was just retiring as the midday warmth was awakening creating a delightful brisk walk to the hostel. To admit, I was envious of other travelers embarking towards their accommodations knowing they had longer intentions of stay.

The sun weaved onto the architecture of the buildings, which to articulate, are patterns integrated onto the walls, doors, and windows. As a quicker observation, it may look like color, but in deeper reflection, it is the shadows that are guarding each brick creating an intricate design.  

Arriving at the steps and gateway of the Plus Hostel, it was umbrellaed with flags from various countries. There was an efficiency aspect to the hostel which was not surprising based on the rather grand size, but the hostel was what any traveler within a budget needs: rooftop lounging, outdoor pool during summer, laundry facilities, community showers, and bunking options to your privacy level. To its’ credit, the hostel had some beautifully designed rooftop lounging with various roof patio seating including hammocks and large potted plants. Although it was only early April-the kickoff of the tourist season-the hostel took into consideration the Firenze heat that was sure to arrive in the summer.

Our private room with a private bathroom including shower was very budget friendly with high standards of cleanliness. To our surprise, even the double window opened to a horizon view of the city. For sure a high recommendation. If you are lucky, you may even have the opportunity to participate in an optional fire drill in the morning, which was scheduled the following morning. Sadly, we were unable to RSVP due to our planned early morning train, but I do not think either of us were terribly upset by that.

After taking a quick refresh, we set off into the city.

A pigeon’s beauty shot

Missing some of the warmer weather from earlier in the trip, we decided to try to take advantage of the sunny weather with the light Hawaiian button shirts we brought with us. I cannot say it is surprising that we compliment each other’s vibrancy through the watermelon and flamingo patterned shirts, but it is a surprise when in one of Italy’s most historic cities where fashion is expected. Never the less, we strolled into the urban area of the city on the search for beautiful water which in Firenze, is the Arno River.

The Arno River is lined with bright, colorful architecture as if assembled around the thousands of windows located on the buildings as well as the bridge. What I did not understand is why the walls were so high barricading people from admiring the water at various points. Near the bridge, there was opportunity to view the water, but only from a higher spot. With the beautiful sun setting, we were still able to stretch on our tiptoes to see over or hop onto the wall. It was ideal time for some photography. Just a few pictures in attempting to capture the sun highlighting the yellow and blues of the walls when a pigeon flew down onto the wall just arms length away. Now, I love birds, so the idea that a pigeon wanted a closeup beauty shot had me shocked and elated. It was this moment where I adopted the nickname ‘Pidge’.

Remember to experience travel

We began to meander our way back through the city to Florence Cathedral called ‘Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore’. The epicness of the size was hard to comprehend. Each way you look, you see the bold outlines stretch further. The vastness of the building reached into the endlessness of the blue sky leaving you in wonder of height and depth between the two. Glancing around, you notice various street artists with beautiful pieces hung for sale. Then you notice the other tourists. Some in groups snapping quick pictures and some in a purposeful pauses of admiration. Both had someone voicing facts that most likely won’t be heard or remembered.

If you pay attention long enough though, you notice the boredom painted on so many faces. It felt like so many were acting the playwright: walking the tour, hearing-but not listening to the guide, and capturing routine pictures. Did they actually want to go on that walking tour? Guided tours, in general, are common in most tourism dominant cities which can be great ways to see iconic scenery, but if you do not like history, might not be the best option for you. Or if you do not like a scheduled plan made for you, also a tour might not be for you. But if you maybe only are comfortable on a tour, then maybe it is ideal for you. Not to narrow that guided tours are the only kind of decision that needs to be made when traveling, but each decision impacts your experience especially allowing others to plan your time for you.

On reflection on myself, I personally am not favorable to guided tours. I have done an intriguing Ghost tour in Chicago back in my teens I still partially remember, but I also remember time waiting on the bus, watching others on the bus taking pictures, and wondering when we would head back to the meeting point. And for me, that has always stuck with me. Why would I want to have those thoughts while ever traveling? That, honestly, seemed so sad to me that something that I was supposed to be fully immersed in and I am wondering when it will end.

I do not wish on anyone to ever be bored while traveling. You have new places, people, food, and culture around you to learn and connect with. 

Firenze offered a constant reflective theme: Pleasure. With limited expectations and open opportunity, we travel with the goal to just enjoy where and who you are. Reflecting still on our earliest travels, it was one of the biggest aspects we connected over. Traveling does not have to seem like a scheduled routine-it can be a liberating enjoyment of exploration with no itinerary. Invite yourself to get lost. Give yourself opportunity to experience. And allow yourself to just be.


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Learning Love Through Travel